Architecture, Interior Design, and Sound: Virtual Panel Recap

It’s no secret that architects and interior designers think a lot about the feeling of the spaces they create. They consider many different elements when embarking on a project, including  the activities that will go on in that space, its location and context, the materials used, and more. One of the key elements they also consider is the impact of sound and music on a space. Sound has the power to transform a built environment, and top designers leverage the power of sound strategically.

In this inspiring roundtable moderated by our Founder & CEO, Clay Bassford, three industry experts discuss how sound, and music specifically, play a role in elevating the architectural experience.  Joining us were Tina Norden, Interior Designer and Architect at Conran and Partners, Alexander Garbe, Founder and owner of Stilwerk, and Ypatia Lekka & Jamie Hughes from studio aisslinger.

Key Take-aways

  • Sound and Music are absolutely key elements for architects and designers to consider.
  • “Architecture is frozen music”, mentioned Tina, quoting German polymath Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to emphasize the interrelationship between sound and the built environment.
  • Ypatia added that, at Studio Aisslinger, they think of the “Designer as DJ”, blending different beats of experiences together into an integrated whole.
  • Alexander mentioned their goal is to create “inspiring spaces,” adding that music is an essential component
  • Check out the video above for more insight into their creative process.

If you’d like a hand in developing or strengthening your own brand’s Music Identity, click here to get in touch. We’d love to chat.